Remember the Luxembourgish Accusative Prepositions

Luxembourgish free lesson accusative prepositions

In this lesson you will learn the prepositions which always take the accusative case. To see in Luxembourgish if you need to use the accusative or the dative case, you can look at 2 things: Verbs & Prepositions What are prepositions? Prepositions are words that link a noun to the rest of the sentence. Examples of … Read more

Luxembourgish Accusative Case – Personal Pronouns – mech, dech, iech…

Luxembourgish accusative case

If you’ve already been studying Luxembourgish for a while, you are probably still struggling when to say mech, ech, du, dech, dir, iech …  when building a sentence, right? Indeed It can be difficult to understand why you hear or use  one instead of another. Those of you who have some knowledge of Luxembourgish know that the cases … Read more

Understand the 3 Luxembourgish Cases – Nominative, Accusative & Dative

Understand the Luxembourgish Cases

One of the most challenging aspects of learning Luxembourgish, at least initially, can be the fact that each pronoun (personal, possessive etc) and each article has three cases. The three Luxembourgish cases are the nominative, dative and accusative. Fortunately, the Luxembourgish articles and the possessive pronouns are the same in the accusative case as in the nominative … Read more